Upcoming Events

MES Speaker Series: The Role of Advanced Technologies in a Future Energy System

MES Speaker Series: The Role of Advanced Technologies in a Future Energy System

Join us for the first entry of the 2025 MES Speaker Series! Panelists Gregory Nemet, Geoffrey Blanford, and Ozge Kaplan will join moderator John Bistline to discuss our latest topic: understanding the role of advanced or emerging technologies in future energy systems.

Register at: https://umich.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_CYKOikhpTqeOGOTYJnwKng#/registration

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2024 Macro Energy Systems Workshop
to Jun 7

2024 Macro Energy Systems Workshop

Princeton University will be the 2024 MES Workshop host. Similar to the 2022 MES Workshop, this 2-day in-person Workshop will include lightning sessions highlighting cutting edge research in MES from multiple disciplinary and topical perspectives in both the domestic and international space; keynote speakers; a highly interactive set of working sessions to develop a policy-relevant research agenda relevant to MES; and a community meeting to help set the agenda for the community in the coming years. This workshop will feature multiple networking opportunities and a reception.

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2022 Macro Energy Systems Workshop
to Jun 21

2022 Macro Energy Systems Workshop

  • Mackenzie Room, Jen-Hsun Huang Engineering Center Room 300 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hosted in-person at Stanford University, the 2-day Workshop will include lightning sessions highlighting cutting edge research in MES from multiple disciplinary and topical perspectives; two keynote speakers; a highly interactive set of working sessions to develop a policy-relevant research agenda relevant to MES; and a community meeting to help set the agenda for the community in the coming years. It will also include a reception and plenty of opportunities for networking.

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to Sep 18

MES Workshop

We held an invitation-only workshop on Macro-Energy Systems in September 2020 via Zoom. In August 2019, we published a paper in Joule outlining the need for a recognized discipline and academic infrastructure supporting research and researchers focusing on large scale energy systems and the energy transition, a discipline that we named Macro-Energy Systems. This workshop represented the next step towards the realization of the vision we laid out in this paper. Additionally, a recorded seminar discussing Macro-Energy Systems and some thoughts about next steps can be found here.

There were two key objectives of the Macro-Energy Systems workshop: first, to bring together the key participants of this community to discuss and identify the boundaries, key unanswered questions, and foundational knowledge of the field encompassed by Macro-Energy Systems; second, to create ongoing support for the academic infrastructure that can sustain Macro-Energy Systems (MES) as an active community. Key sessions of the workshop addressed topics such as ‘What are the frontiers of MES research currently?’, ‘What are major critiques of MES work and how have we or might we respond to them?’, and ‘What are the skills students need to learn to be successful in MES?’. The small workshop was held via Zoom meetings with sessions conducted as highly interactive panel discussions.

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